SMS Text Messaging | Everything You Need to Know


How we keep in touch and communicate has changed drastically over the past few years and SMS has become one of the best ways to instantly connect with shoppers.

Text messages are irresistible and a sure way to give customers direct access to promos, sales, and updates. Thousands of brands are using a combination of e-mail and e-commerce SMS (short messaging service) marketing to leverage their brand.

Whether you’ve just started SMS marketing or considering this approach, we share key insights to help you get started.

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Debra Lutsky
With her extensive background in traditional graphic design and development, Debra founded Digital Retail Partners in 2015. She saw the shift early on in traditional retail and focused her efforts on learning Shopify, one of the world’s largest eCommerce platforms. Debra joined the ranks of the few individuals in the region to become a certified expert in its use. She works with businesses all over the world but especially enjoys supporting local retailers and start-ups. In addition to running the agency, she is now giving back to help other young women develop businesses and careers in design and development. In design school, 70% of students are women but only .1% of all creative agencies are founded by women. DRP donates their time and works with the Connecticut Women's Business Development Council to provide training and education for women to launch and scale their businesses. She is a leader in the community of women cheering each other on to succeed. Debra was honored in 2018 with the Women Rising Award by the WBDC. Debra holds a dual Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in communication design from Parsons The New School for Design and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in creative writing from Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts.