Susan Brown | For Pete’s Sake Pottery


Susan Brown of For Pete’s Sake Pottery, who has been creating since she was young, often says she finds herself more comfortable with a paintbrush than a pen! She started For Pete’s Sake Pottery when her one and only child Pete was born. Prior to her business, she worked long hours managing a retail shop. When her babysitter quit when Pete was just 10 months old, she made the decision to stay home with her son and launch her own ceramic painting business.

She says it was the BEST DECISION EVER!

FAST Forward to today, the business has now turned into a family business, with her husband helping Susan with the backend things when he can, Pete Jr. playing a full-time active role in the business, and her niece Sophie, an amazing artist herself, works for her full time.

Susan has recently collaborated on product and pop-ups with Draper James and launched an exclusive design s with Bauble Stockings.

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